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Paul spoke of Jesus appearing to Cephas, then the twelve, then more than 500, most of whom were still alive, then James and all the apostles, and finally himself. However, it seems that Paul was speaking of spiritual appearances, rather than appearances of the risen Jesus in physical form.

Matthew recorded an appearance of the risen Jesus to the women who saw him while on the way to tell the disciples of their experience. Later, the eleven disciples went to a mountain in Galilee and also saw Jesus.

Luke recorded an appearance of the risen Jesus to the two men, Cleopas and (presumably) Peter, but they did not recognise him, even after conversing with him, inviting him home, and eating dinner with him. They only assumed that he was Jesus based on his words and behaviour, but then he vanished out of their sight. Jesus later appeared to all the disciples in a room in Jerusalem and went to some lengths to assure them that he really was Jesus, showing the disciples his wounds, and finally being drawn up into heaven.

John follows Luke somewhat, but omits the appearance to the two men and the dinner in the village, instead reporting two appearances of Jesus to the disciples in the room in Jerusalem. He also records that Mary Magdalene saw Jesus standing near the tomb and knew not that it was Jesus, supposing that he was the gardener. Later, Jesus appeared to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberius (Sea of Galilee).

Mark originally recorded no appearances of the risen Jesus, the "Long Ending" (verses 16:9-20) being added much later to harmonise somewhat with the other gospels.

Across the New Testament gospels, a total of seven appearances of the risen Jesus.

Acts of the Apostles contradicts all the gospel accounts, saying that Jesus spent forty days on earth after his resurrection, providing many infallible proofs.

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12y ago

This question has been answered before, so you may see related answers. But please remember that he still appears to some, even today, as he appeared to Paul after his ascension, (1 Corinthians 15.6)

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12y ago
A:Mark: The earliest manuscripts of this gospel end at verse 16:8, with the young man saying that Jesus is risen, and the women fleeing in terror, telling no one. The "Long Ending" (verses 16:9-25) was added much later to provide resurrection appearances. In the "Long Ending" (there was also, at one stage, a "Short Ending") Jesus appeared to the two (women: to harmonise with Matthew, or men: to harmonise with Luke) as they walked and finally to to the eleven apostles together at a meal. Thus, no appearances in the original Gospel and two appearances in the Long Ending.

Matthew: Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, on the road as they returned from the tomb. Later, the disciples saw the risen Jesus in a mountain in Galilee. Thus, two appearances.

Luke: Jesus appeared to the two men on the road to Emmaeus, then to the eleven apostles together in an upper room. They then went out to Bethany, where Jesus ascended to heaven on the evening of his resurrection. Once again, two appearances.

John: Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene in the garden at the tomb, then to ten of the apostles together in an upper room, then a few days later to all eleven in the same room. He finally appeared to the disciples at the Sea of Galilee. In this account, four appearances.

Acts of the Apostles, by the same author as Luke's Gospel but written somewhat later, goes further than Luke's Gospel and says that Jesus remained on earth for forty days and was seen by many before being taken bodily up into heaven. In this account, he must have been seen very many times.

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10y ago

Only once. He resurrected and was with the disciples for a short time before He went back to heaven.


No, He appears 3 times to Paul:

acts 9:4-6 Damascus Road

Acts 22:17-21 Paul in Jerusalem

Acts 23:11 Paul in Jerusalem

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14y ago

He first appeared as a gardener in the garden that his tomb stood.

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13y ago

Jesus after his ascension into heavenwas never seen by anyone again

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15y ago

Twice. Read Luke 24:13-31, 36

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