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Zero. Interracial marriage bans were officially struck down by the 1967 Supreme Court decision of Loving v. Virginia, although states still continued to have the laws on the books. In 2000, Alabama became the last state to repeal its interracial marriage ban.

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Historically, up to 30 states had anti-miscegenation laws on the books until the middle of the 20th Century. All the colonies and the colonies that became states had such laws. Pennsylvania was apparently the first state to allow interracial marriage around 1780.

States started repealing those laws after a 1948 California Supreme Court case declared the California law unconstitutional. In 1967, the laws in the remaining 17 states were rendered moot when the Federal Supreme Court declared anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional. Although many laws remained on the books for a number of years afterwards, they were unenforceable.

Please see Discussion comments for a link to an interactive map of the United States showing the history of anti-miscegenation laws in each state.

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