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Military units range in size from a Fire Team to an Army, from hundreds to thousands of men. Army Corps Division Regiment Brigade Battalion Company Platoon Squad Fire Team

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Q: How many soldiers in a military unit?
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Ancient Rome had centurions in its military, along with legionnaires and praetorians. Centurions were leaders, usually commanding a unit of legionnaires.

How many troops in the US military?

Today there are a Total of 2,475,967 soldiers in the Military. There is 507,158 soldiers in the army, 347,693 soldiers in the navy, 347,352 soldiers in the air force, 179,762 marines, and a total of 1,381,965 DODs

Which military unit insignias are trademarked?

No, but many are registered as trademarks.

How many soldiers were in the French military in World War 2?

6 million

How many in a Military Corp?

A military corp consists of 2 or more divisions. Each division has from 10,000 to 30,000 soldiers.

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a unit of soldiers mounted on horseback is called what

How many us soldiers dies in WWII?

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