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An adult should have at the very least 4 serving of vegetables per day. 4-7 servings is the recommended amount, however it wouldn't hurt to eat considerably more.

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Q: How many servings of vegetables should an adult have daily?
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How many vegetable servings is recommended daily?

An average person should eat 3-5 vegetables a day.

How many portions of fruits and vegetables should you eat every day?

The American Heart Association recommends the average adult eat 4-5 servings each of fruits and vegetables daily. Of course, you should eat a variety and include dark green leafy vegetables.

Which food groups should you eat the most servings daily?

You need to get the most servings out of the Bread, Cereal, Grains, and Rice family. In fact you need to eat 6 to 11 servings out of this group daily. Whole grains are recommended.

Of the daily recommended intake of fruit servings what maximum percentage may be supplied by fruit juice?

50 %

How many servings from the fat and oil group should you have daily?

5 servings daily not every hour tho.

The 5-A-Day for Better Health Program recommends consuming at least five servings daily of?

five daily serving of fruits and vegetables

How much fruit should you eat daily?

at least 2 servings

What should a bariatric surgery patient eat prior to surgery?

Doctors recommend that you have between 4 and 5 servings of protein daily, along with 2 servings of fruits and vegetables. It is also recommended that you have 2 servings of starch and fat. It is also suggested that you drink at least 6 cups of low calorie or no calorie drink.

From which food group should you eat the most servings of daily?

The largest number of servings should come from the Bread, Cereal, Grains, and Rice family. 6-11 servings daily are recommended.

How many servings of fruit and vegetables should you eat daily?

3-5There should be at least 5 portions of Fruit and Vegetables per day. However that is rather a minimum guideline. The only way you will know how many vegetables per day you have to eat (and what type) is following your nutrient intake. Record what foods you eat and what nutrients they provide. If you are running low in a certain nutrient (let's take Potassium), try to eat a vegetable or fruit which is rich in that particular mineral. Most vegetables and fruits are rich in various essential minerals and vitamins, which the human body is unable to produce itself. Therefore eating vegetables is essential for need 2-3 fruits and vegetables a day

How many servings of sweet stuff should you eat daily?

one or less.

What is the recommended daily intake of Calories for adults?

a recommended daily diet for a adult is a balanced diet of vegetables,carbohydrates, and protein