

How many series has Rick Riordan made?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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5 books

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Q: How many series has Rick Riordan made?
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Series of like Rick Riordan. Percy Jackson and the Oliampians,that is a series of Rick Riordan,I finished it!

How many siblings does Rick Riordan have?

Rick Riordan has three siblings.

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Rick Riordan has made an estimated $50 million dollars off of the Percy Jackson series.

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Titan's Curse has 352 pages. It was written by Rick Riordan. It is part of the Percy Jackson series.

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Rick Riordan was born in San Antonio, Texas. However, the specific hospital where he was born is not publicly known.

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What are the books that Rick Riordan have made?

Rick Riordan has written many adult books, but if your looking for teen books there is1. The Percy Jackson series2.The Heroes Of Olympus Series (so far only the lost hero)3. The Kane ChroniclesI hope this helped! Thank You.

How many siblings does Riordan have?

Rick Riordan has two sons

Why is Rick Riordan interesting?

Rick Riordan is interesting because he has wrote many books and they have all become famous.

How many words does the entire heroes of Olympus series have?

The entire "Heroes of Olympus" series by Rick Riordan has a total of approximately 1.1 million words.

How many pages are in the whole Rick Riordan series?

The total number of pages in the Rick Riordan series varies depending on the editions and formats of his books. As of now, it's difficult to provide an exact number without considering all the books, their editions, and individual page counts.

How many series did Rick Rordan write?

Rick Riordan has written several series, including Percy Jackson & the Olympians (5 books), The Heroes of Olympus (5 books), The Kane Chronicles (3 books), Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard (3 books), and The Trials of Apollo (5 books).