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If the conditions are right, yes. However, all you need is one seed for one tree. Three seeds can potentially produce three trees. If three seeds are planted right next to each other, it is unlikely that any of them will mature into fruiting trees because their roots will not have enough space.

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12y ago

Recipe for an apple tree:

1 seed (preferably apple seeds - these work best!)

Lots of Water


Good soil

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Q: Will 3 seeds from an apple grow an apple tree?
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How long does it take to grow an apple?

if you buy a grafted tree it should be able to bear fruit in 2-3 years. if you grow if from seeds it will take 5-9 year.

How do apples grow on a tree?

Apple TreesYes, apples do grow on trees. AnswerApples grow on trees because when you plant apples the seeds go up the root and out the branches. Now only if money grew off trees that would be something. LOL

How do you plant apples?

First you buy an apple from the grocery store. Then you eat it except for the seeds then you dig a hole in the ground in your front or back yard (doesn't matter)then you put 2 or 3 seeds in the hole then water the tree every week then your apple tree will be beautiful!!! Their is no guarantee that any apples that may grow on the mature tree will be of any use, it is a thousand to one chance. Buy a named variety from a nurseryman and save a lot of time.

How you could grow a apples without starting from apple seeds?

Take a cutting from mature tree and replant it. This is how all commercial apple trees are grown. Seeds from an apple tree will not produce the same flavor of fruit as what the "parent" tree produced.

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Oranges don't come from an apple tree.

How do you germinate apple seeds?

Let the apple seeds sit until they are dry. Than place them 1/2 in. deep in well drained potting soil.UNtill the sprout has 2 or 3 leaves then plant them in bigger pot. It takes 2-3 years. Yes that's right YEARS!!! Until the tree grows fruit. **** Just because the seed comes from a certain kind of apple doesn't mean that the seed will grow to be that same kind. The taste, color, and texture could be different.

Can a limequat be grown from its own seeds?

Yes that is true, if seeds are fresh, in 2 years time you can have limequat tree, but it is harder to grow and germinate seeds than kumquats or calamondin. 3/5 of seeds are dead during the germination and growing time.

How many seeds are in a golden delisious apple?


What is the venation of the apple tree?


How many seeds does the delitious golden apple have?

3 to 6

What is the venation pattern of the apple tree?


How do you start a royal poinsettia tree from seeds?

Very easy seeds to grow. Just mix some planting soil, clay (chemical-free cat litter) and a little sand. Stick the seeds in the dirt and water. I have 3 of them growing now.