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It depends on the teacher. You'd have to ask each one individually - and even then, it might depend as well on the student and the assignment.

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Q: How many schools accept late homework?
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How many schools have summer homework?

There are no studies on the subject, but many schools do have it.

How many people's grades drop because of late homework?

About 50% of children's graes drop because of late homework.

Does homework exist in other countries?

yes I have been to many places in the world and all had homework

How many children go to sleep late at night because of homework?

Alot of children do goto sleep late.

What is with all the homework questions on this site?

I guess people like to get their homework done the "easy" way. WikiAnswers can be used as a source for information when doing your homework and is used in many schools.

What does homework depend on?

It depends on many things: the class, the school, the teacher, the students, and the time of year (many schools don't give homework over holidays or breaks)

How many people hand in homework late?

The number pf stidents who hand in homework late varies with differemt classes and how seriously the students in the class view getting a good education and being responsible for doing their school work. Statistics are usually not kept for homework being turned in late.

How did colleges change during the late 1800s?

the answer is : "the opening of many new schools".

How many schools in the US give out homework over spring break?

No studies have been done on this

How many kids have to cram homework in because of a sport?

It depends on where the kid lives or where his or her school is like. some schools give out less homework than others.

What is the homework policy in a local school system?

The homework policy is a formal written policy in a local school system that governs the amount and type of homework and other details of homework that teachers can give to students. Many schools do not have formal policies.

Make five sentence with accept?

There are many ways you can use the word accept in a sentence. The five sentences you can make with the word accept are: I have accepted you in the family, I accept you to do better than this, You are accepted to do your homework, You are accepted to be in this class and You have accepted the papers.