

How many neutrons in copper 65?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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Cu 65 has the same number of protons as any other copper, which is 29. It also has 29 electrons since the charge is neutral. The number 65 only changes the number of neutrons, which in this case would be 36.

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Copper's atomic number is 29, therefore it has 29 protons in the nuclei of its atoms. In a neutral copper atom of any isotope, the number of electrons will also be 29.

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Copper is element 29 and so 29 protons and thus 29 electrons to balance. 63-29 = 34 so there are 34 neutrons with Copper 63.

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Cu2+ ion has 29 protons and 27 electrons

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Q: How many neutrons in copper 65?
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How many neutrons are in the nucleus of an atom of copper-65?

There are 36 neutrons in copper-65 (65Cu) because there are 29 protons.

How may neutrons does does copper have?

34 and 36 neutrons in Cu-63 and Cu-65 isotopes respectively

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the mass number is merely the atomic number (or the number of protons) plus the number of neutrons the mass number of copper with 36 neutrons is 65

How many protons electrons and neutrons does copper have?

Copper 63: 29 protons, 29 electrons, 34 neutronsCopper 65: 29 protons, 29 electrons, 36 neutronsCopper The number of protons in an atom of an element is the same as the atomic number. So finding the number of protons in an atom just consists of looking at a periodic table. Copper's atomic number is 29, so it has 29 protons.In a neutral atom, the number of electrons will equal and balance the number of protons, so it would also be 29 electrons.The number of neutrons will depend on the isotope you have. Atoms of the same element can exist with different numbers of neutrons - these are what we call isotopes. However, there are only two isotopes of copper, 63Cu and 65Cu, which have 34 and 36 neutrons respectively.

What must be the same to determine if two atoms are copper?

The defining characteristic of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus. Copper always has 29 protons. It may have different numbers of neutrons, as in the common isotopes copper-63 and copper-65 which have 34 and 36 neutrons respectively.

How many protons electrons and electrons in copper?

Copper has 29 electons,29 protons,and 35 neutrons.

How many isotopes does copper have?

Copper has natural isotopes of 63,67. And other isotopes are known at least from 58 through 70. But these are unstable.

What element has a mass number of 65 neutrons 36 and a 1 charge?

Atomic number = 65 - 36 = 29The element with 29 protons is copper, Cu.The ion of the isotope is thus 36Cu+

How many protons neutrons and electrons does copper?

mr platts knows the answer

How many neutrons are in an atom of copper?

There are two stable isotopes of Copper, 63Cu29, with 34 neutrons, and 65Cu29, with 36 neutrons. There are also 27 other unstable isotopes of Copper, ranging from 23 neutrons to 51 neutrons. See the related link below, on line 29, for more information.

What element has a mass number of 56 with 36 neutrons?

A mass number is the sum of numbers of protons and neutrons in an atom. Therefore, an element with a mass number of 65 and 36 neutrons contains (65 - 36) or 29 protons and is therefore an atom of copper.

What is copper 63?

Atomic mass of copper is 63. 546amu where amu is Atomic mass unit