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About an estimate of 2600600 mars' would fit into the Sun.

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Q: How many planet Mars would it take to equal the Sun?
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How many mars would it take to equal the mass of earth?

Mars is 0.107 times the mass of earth. The reciprocal of that is the number of planets the mass of Mars it would take to equal a planet the mass of earth, or a little over 9 and 1/3.

How many rings of planet Mars?

rings surrounding planet mars? NONE.

How many mars would it take to equal earth?

Mars is a little over half the size of Earth.

Is Mars feasible to colonize this planet?

It is unlikely that Mars will ever be colonised by humans, since the journey to and from Mars would be long and frought with too many dangers. Also, Mars is too far from the Sun to have a good living temperature, and atmospheric conditions would be adverse.

How many moons das Mars has?

The planet Mars has 2 moons.

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How does the size of a planet seem to be related to the number of moons a planet has?

Larger size seems to equal more moons. Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are larger than Mars, and they have many more moons.

How does the size of planet seem to be related to the number of moons a planet has?

Larger size seems to equal more moons. Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are larger than Mars, and they have many more moons.

How many does the planet mars weigh?

ask Matt

How many planets dose Mars have?

Mars itself is a planet. If you are asking how many moons it has, it has two moons that orbit it.

Does Mars have rings or any other unusual features?

There are many unusual features of the planet Mars. The planet is known for its unusual color of rust. The planet also has huge volcanoes.

Does planet mars have any interesting features?

yes, many.