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Melatonin is routinely taken by cancer patients at a rate of up to 80mg's (per day) an hour before bedtime, so an overdose would be difficult. We're talking bottles of it to even begin to cause a problem. And experimental (unpublished) studies show that AIDS & cancer patients are taking 100's of MG's per day, but this is a strictly 'under a doctor's care' situation (not only would it be a prescription situation at that point but the patient is in a hospital bed).

There are studies done on mice that increased their life span by 25% by adding melatonin to their water bottles, and it was saturated in some mice to an equivalent of a human swallowing a melatonin pill the size of a house brick.

Suicidal teens are given melatonin to lessen depression (they also get more sleep by taking it, as do colicky babies to get more sleep, which may reduce SIDS, plus not putting a fan directly on a sleeping infant as this triggers a gasping-to-exhaustion situation, putting them in stress and they later dream of when they were back in the womb when they did not breathe [the autonomic system reverts back and they stop breathing]).

So if you are thinking of taking enough melatonin to kill yourself because you are depressed, you would not be able to do it, and in fact the joke would be on you because you would feel better than ever after taking it for a while, because by increasing the percentage of melatonin in your blood you would no longer want to kill yourself.

Colicky babies, depressed children, and ADAH situations can have a lower-than-normal producing pineal gland (which produces melatonin), so simply taking melatonin can raise the level and bring back an infant (from crying so much), wild child, teen, or ADAH situation without harmful 'drug the kid into a coma' type pills. For more information about melatonin see the related questions below.

A little more..Studies at U of Maryland have shown that melatonin may act as an antagonist to certain antidepressants.

Regarding lethality, the lethal dose seems to be unknown.

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