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The star Gliese 581 is a red dwarf star, 20.3 light-years away. Recent observations indicate that a number of planets orbit this star, including at least one of approximately Earth's mass that astronomers say may be within the habitable zone, meaning that the temperature of the planet's surface may - MAY - allow water to exist in a liquid state.

It's important to remember that much of the speculation about Gliese 581g is EXTREMELY speculative. We don't know what sort of surface the planet might have, nor anything about the atmosphere; the ONLY things we know even approximately are the mass and the orbit.

At a first glance, it might seem like this could be a potentially habitable world - but notice all of the weasel-words that I used. We don't have ANY idea of the conditions there.

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Using our current technology of ~18.000 mph speed in space, we would reach that planet in about 70.000 years which is impossible unless we manage teleportation, which really is a myth.

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12y ago

Gliese 581 c is an exoplanet orbiting the star Gliese 581, which is about 20.3 light years from the Sun.

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What is the atmosphere of gliese 581 c?

Earth is similar to Gliese 581 c, in that they both are the third planet from their sun. See related links for information about Gliese 581 c.

Is gliese 581c a sun?

No. g liese 581c is a planet that orbits a star, Gliese 581.

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Why would you have a birthday every 13 days on gliese 581c?

It orbits the star 581 once every 13 days. Earth orbits its star, the sun, every 365 days. Which means that Gliese orbits faster than Earth.

Is Gliese 581 visible to the naked eye?

Gliese 581 is a red dwarf star located about 20.3 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Libra. It has been of interest to astronomers due to the discovery of several exoplanets orbiting around it, some of which were initially thought to be potentially within the habitable zone of the star. However, Gliese 581 itself is not visible to the naked eye from Earth. It is a relatively dim star, and its apparent magnitude is around 10.6, which is far too faint to be seen without the aid of a telescope. Only the very brightest stars, planets, and the Moon are visible to the naked eye, generally having an apparent magnitude of around 6 or lower. To observe stars like Gliese 581, a telescope is required. Even then, the star might not appear as a discernible point of light but rather as a small, faint spot in the telescope's field of view.

Is there another earth-like planet?

Probably ... there are so many planets out there.But we don't know of any, anywhere.And definitely not in our solar system.Edited by skimx333The closest earth-like planet in our solar system is Mars but even that can't compare to our Earth. It is said that Mars has water but in the form of ice (permafrost) beneath its crust. It also has a low air escape velocity so it doesn't really have much of an atmosphere.edited by bajajpaawanGliese 581 g is an earth-like planet with water in liquid form and with land . It would be capable of having life on it , not with the sun but with a star named Gliese 581 . Another earth like planet named gliese 581 d.

How many planets does Andromeda galaxy have?

At present there are 350 extrasolar planets. Most are contained in the Milky Way galaxy. They are primarily "gas giant" planets, but if our solar system is typical (the Law of Mediocrity would lead us to believe it is) there should be many more rocky planets like ours.The extrasolar planets discovered in our neighbouring galaxy, Andromeda, are: * Upsilon Andromeda b (AKA: HD69830 b)* Upsilon Andromeda c (AKA: HD69830 c) * Upsilon Andromeda d (AKA: HD69830 d) * HD 8673 bAgain, if our galaxy is normal, then Andromeda would have planets around 10% of it's sun-like (G type) starsAside: The "Law of Mediocrity" states that you're nothing special. If you can do it, likely a lot of people can.Update 2009: Newest extra solar planets are Gliese 581 (the closest in size to Earth, only 1.9 times larger) and Gliese 581 (even larger), but it's sitting square in the habitable zone, where liquid water would be possible. Both Gliese 581 d and Gliese 581 e are located in constellation Libra and orbit around Gliese 581.

Can you live on Gliese 581 g?

It may be possible. This exosolar planet, three to four times the size of Earth and 20 light years away, is thought to be in the right place in relation to the sun - in the middle of the `habitable` zone. If it has a rocky surface, then liquid water may be abundant on the surface. It is the closest planet found so far to that of Earth.

Can gliese 581 last forever?

No. No star can last forever since it is actively destroying its own substance as fuel in order to shine. However ... since is a smaller star than our's (Sol) it will last longer than our own sun. (Which has about 5 billion years to go.)

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Neptune is 30 A U's from the sun

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The distance of earth from the sun is about 93,000,000 miles

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