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It depends. My mouse gave birth to mice. I've seen from 3 to 12. I think the record is 24 though. It is usually about 4-12 though.

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Some can have as much as 20 but a mouse also can have 1 mice.

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4-14 mice are usually born at one time.

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Q: How many pups does a mouse give birth to?
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What is the number of offspring a mouse can have?

The average litter size for a mouse is between 8-10 babies (or "pups"). The record though is 34 pups in one litter. Mice that have been bred for feeding snakes and other reptiles typically give birth to a higher number of pups, averaging between 12-15 pups in one litter.

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Dingoes can give birth to 4-5, or sometimes as many pups as 10

How many pups can a mouse have?

It is normal for a mouse to have 10-12 babies. My mouse had 10. The most babies a mouse has reportedly had is 17.

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stingrays actually give live birth up to 4-9 babies or pups

How many raccoon pups are born annually?

Each female will give birth to 2-5 kits, sometimes more.

How many pups per litter?

There are several different animals that give birth to "pups", including seals and dogs. The range would be between 1 and 15 pups depending upon the specific animal.