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To answer this question a voltage and pf (power factor) must be stated. kW = I x E x pf/1000.

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Q: How many kilowatts equals to one ampere?
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How many coulombs can be transferred in one second?

To find how many coulomb can be transferred in one second depends on the ampere. A coulomb is defined as 1 coulomb equals 1 ampere times 1 second or the current of one ampere in one second time.

How many kw equals 1 kva in single phase generator if the power factor is one with 220 volt?

I think you mean 'kW' (kilowatt) and 'kV.A' (kilovolt ampere). If the power factor is unity (1), then the number of kilowatts will be exactly the same as the number of kilovolt amperes -regardless of the supply voltage.

How many kilowatts make up one megawatt?

1000 kilowatts

How many coulomb one ampere?

One ampere = one coulomb every second .

How many microamperes are in an ampere?

One ampere is equal to 1000000 microamperes.

How many kilowats are in 1 amp?

Watts (or kilowatts) and amperes are used to measure different things. Watts is a unit of power; ampere is a unit of current. The relationship (for direct current) is: watt = ampere x volt For AC, the relationship is a bit more complicated: watt = ampere x volt x power factor However, the power factor is often close to one.

How many kilowatts in a watt?

1 watt is equal to 1/1000 kilowatts. To convert a value from watts to kilowatts just divide by 1000. To answer the question there is .001 kilowatts in one watt.

How much do 1 ampere equals?

6.241 × 1018 electrons, or one coulomb per second.

How many amperes are there in a kilo ampere?

Since kilo- means one thousand, there are one thousand amperes in a kilo-ampere, and there are 0.001 amperes in a kilo-ampere.

How many Kilowatts equals 15000 BTU?

Btu x 0.000293 = kW 15000 X 0.000293 = 4.4kW

How many kilowatts do you waste in one week?

about 18

How many ampere in one ton?

Ampere are the measure of electricity but one ton is a measure of mass. So,the two can not be compared.