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According to wikipedia: "sagan has been defined as a unit of measurement equal to at least four billion, since the smallest number that may be described as billions and billions must be two billion plus two billion".

According to Google calculator: "four billion bytes = 3.7252903 gigabytes".

So sagan byte is at least 3.7252903 gigabytes.

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Q: How many gigabytes are in a Carl Sagan byte?
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I believe that 1000MB is equal to 1GB. But i may be wrong, please acn someone confirm. So mate we downloading Photoshop CS4 Extended Trial Then :) *look sir 1024 MB = 1 GB , so 815.5 MB = 80% GB " 8 bet= byte , 1024 byte = kilo byte, 1024 kilo byte "KB" = mega byte "MG" , 1024 MG = Gega byte "GB" " .. anyservice "wael awad" .

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