

How many days can a hamster not be with its owner?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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you cant touch him/her for 3 days so they can reconize the inviormeno

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Q: How many days can a hamster not be with its owner?
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How many days should a hamster be pregnant?

It depends on the species, gestation periods range from from 16 days for the Syrian hamster, and up to to 30 days for the Dwarf hamster.

Can a dwafs hamster ever like its owner?

yes, spending lots of time with your hamster will create a strong bond between pet and owner.

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about 2-3 weeks

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How many days later will the female hamster get pregnant after breeding?

The hamster could become pregnant afer 10-16 day's

Can a hamster produce more then one litter in a year?

Yes, the female hamster can produce more than one litter a year. She can usually have as many litters as the owner wantsher to have!

Can the hamster owner can take a bath?

Yes you can if they are dirty.

How long does it take for your hamster to reach the age of 21 in the Nintendo game hamsterz 2?

When you go to the Pet Store after your female and male hamster are partners and have played for a little bit a Bell, the shop owner, will tell you that your hamster is pregnant an in a week or 10 days your hamster will have a bab y and it WILL tell you. that and your hamsterz will get along perfectly when you hamster 9is pregnant or at least that is what the game and the manual say.

When will you be able to see the hamster babies?

It takes about 15-21 days for a hamster to have pups, If it is a Chinese hamster it will most likely take 21 days:).

How long does pregnancy take for hamster?

The average gestation period for a hamster is 22 days. A healthy gestation period for a hamster can range from 16 to 23 days.

How many days a hamster takes for its next breed?

Usually a few weeks. My hamster had some in the end of July and she had her next batch in the middle of August.

Does a dwarf hamster knows it owner?

Yes, any hampster can tell who their owner by the tone of your voice and smell.