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The chemical formula of table salt (sodium chloride) is NaCl; the ratio is 1.

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9y ago

0 atoms. I'm guessing you are suggesting table salt, which is sodium chloride. Sodium chloride only contains sodium and chlorine and no oxygen.

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Q: How many atoms of oxygen are in salt?
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How many atoms of oxygen in salt?

0 atoms. I'm guessing you are suggesting table salt, which is sodium chloride. Sodium chloride only contains sodium and chlorine and no oxygen.

How many atoms of hydrogen and oxygen dose salt have?

None. Pure table salt is NaCl. It contains only sodium (Na) and clorine (Cl) atoms.

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Two oxygen atoms.

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Dry salt - is a compound of sodium and chlorine atoms. If you add it to water, it then mixes with the atoms of oxygen and hydrogen.

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If the MgSO4 is the only oxygen containing compound in the salt, there must be four moles of oxygen atoms, and the number of atoms in 4 moles is 4 multiplied by Avogadro's number or about 2.409 X 1024 atoms.

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There are 2 Oxygen atoms in CaCO2

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