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Q: How many Weight Watchers points in a Hershey's kiss?
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What candy bar is a sweet side of affection?

hersheys kiss

Is melting a Hersheys' kiss on a tongue a physical or chemical reaction?

Dissolution is a physical process.

How would you find the volume of a Hersheys kiss?

i dont think they ever made on but i will be looking for it :/

How much did the largest Hersheys kiss weigh?

A serving size contains 9 pieces or "kisses" which includes 22 grams of sugar, therefore each Hershey's kiss has approximately 2.4g of sugar

The flag in a hersheys kiss is called what?

Proper term- used by Hershey- it is a Plume. Popular use, according to Urban Dictionary- nigglywiggly.

What is Milton Hersheys most famous piece of candy?

Hershey chocolates (in different forms, such as the Hershey Bar or the Hershey Kiss) are the most famous.

How are Hershey kiss's formed?

Hi hersheys kisses are formed this way: Special machines drop a precise amount of chocolate onto a moving steel belt and then quickly cool it to form the famous KISS shape.

When was the first Hersheys kiss made?

The Hershey's Kisses were introduced in 1907.

Why dont you weight the same on earth as you weight on mars?

kiss me

Why do they call a Hersheys kiss a kiss?

It's called a Hershey Kiss because the machine makes a "smooching" or "kissing" sound when an individual Hershey Kiss is made.

Do you lose weight when you kiss?

no, but you can still enjoy it

What is the volume of a Hershey's kiss?

i dont actually know. but im trying to do that now!!!!!! AUGHHHHH! something with integrals, the volume of a circle, and the area of the shape of a hersheys kiss when you cut it in half and trace it on graph paper. this is so dificil!!! HELP!!!!