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4 or fewer per hour are acceptable. 5 or more call your doctor.

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Q: How many Braxton hicks contractions are normal?
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Is contraction normal in an ongoing 7 months pregnant woman?

She would only get contractions if she was going into labour early. She might experience Braxton Hicks contractions which are the body's way of preparing for labour. They are not real contractions but many people mistake them for real contractions and think they are going into labour. If they get worse and worse and begin coming regularly, it is important to go to the hospital straightaway

How many braxton hicks can you have in a hour?

Braxton Hicks can be quite regular and can come 5 or 10 minutes apart but they are not making changes in the cervix. The easiest way to tell Braxton Hicks from true labor is to drink a glass of water or juice, and change your activity. If walking, lie down - if lying down, take a walk. Labor will not stop when you move around or stop what you are doing, Braxton Hicks generally will. If you are having regular contractions it is best to call your doctor or hospital for an evaluation - many women have quite painful Braxton Hick's and many women have very little pain from early contractions that could signal early labor.

Can constipation cause contractions?

Yes, it is possible for constipation to cause contractions. Many pregnant women experience more Braxton Hicks contractions, which are uncomfortable but safe, when they are either constipated or suffering from large amounts of gas.

At how many weeks can you start having false labor?

False labor, or Braxton-Hicks contractions usually occur in the 2 weeks prior to real labor, especially with the first childbirth.

How soon can you be having braxton hicks contractions?

your uterus actually contracts starting arounf 8 weeks. but you dont feel them til later on. With my experience with my twin pregnancy, i started really feeling them around 20 weeks. And now at almost 29 weeks, theyre pretty intense!

Can Braxton Hicks start real labor?

Braxton Hicks contractions can occur far before labor actually begins, though sometimes they might occur shortly before a woman goes into labor. The first "true" labor sensations can be anything from crampiness to "full blown" contractions to losing one's mucous plug to having bloody show to experiencing loose stool or to feeling one's water break.

Is it normal at 37 weeks to not have any contractions and only Braxton Hick every now and then?

It happened to me when I was pregnant. After that my OB/GYN had scheduled Induced labor at due date, they don't want you to be overdue, it's not good for the baby. Many women don't even notice Braxton-Hicks especially if they are very busy, and it is nothing to worry about and is not a predictor of how your labor will go. research has shown that a baby can safely go up to 2 weeks after the due date but by about 10 days most doctors will start thinking about induction.

I am 39 weeks pregnant and 1 cm dilated and not feeling too many braxton hicks but my dr says that's normal in younger woman my question is WHEN wILl LABOR COME?

Don't worry about it. There simply aren't any formulas. I never had any Braxton Hicks contractions that I was aware of, and was 7 cm dilated when I went to see my doctor, who thought I'd deliver that afternoon. In reality, I didn't go into labor for another week--which was one week past my due date. Soon your baby will let you know, "It's time!" If necessary, your doctor will have a point at which he or she will make the decision to induce labor, so there's no danger. Best of luck to you. Don't worry about it. There simply aren't any formulas. I never had any Braxton Hicks contractions that I was aware of, and was 7 cm dilated when I went to see my doctor, who thought I'd deliver that afternoon. In reality, I didn't go into labor for another week--which was one week past my due date. Soon your baby will let you know, "It's time!" If necessary, your doctor will have a point at which he or she will make the decision to induce labor, so there's no danger. Best of luck to you.

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Tamar Braxton has 1 child

How many children does Tamar Braxton have?

Tamar Braxton has 1 child

What are two signs that birth process is starting?

Many women experience some diarrhea just prior to labor starting. Another sign is a sudden burst of energy where the woman will finish preparing for the arrival of a baby, called nesting. Physical signs of early labor can include "bloody show", loss of the mucus plug, rupturing of the amniotic sack, nausea, vomiting, low back ache, cramps or increase in Braxton Hicks type contractions.

How many children did Braxton have?
