

How long is one day on Haumea?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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3.9155 Earth-hours.

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One day on Haumea is 2 hours

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How long are days and years on Haumea?

A day on Haumea is just 3.9155 hours. A year is equal to 284.12 Earth-years.

What is the length of a day on Haumea?

A day on Haumea is very short compared to here on Earth. Haumea's rotational period is just 3.9155 hours.

What is the gravitational pull on Haumea?

Haumea has a gravitational pull of 0.63m/s2, or between one fifteenth and one sixteenth that of Earth.

What is haumea gravitional pull?

Haumea has a gravitational pull of just 0.63m/s2, which is between one fifteenth and one sixteenth of that of Earth.

How many hours does it take Haumea to rotate?

Haumea makes a complete rotation in just 3.9155 hours, making its day very short compared to Earth's.

How long does it take for Haumea to orbit the sun?

Haumea takes 283.28 years to orbit the Sun.

What is the other name for Haumea?

Haumea is sometimes known by its minor-planet designation, 136108 Haumea.

What shapes are the dwarf planets?

Most are round, but Haumea is an oval ellipsoid. One of the qualifications for an object to be designated a 'dwarf planet' is that it has 'hydrostatic equilibrium', i.e. not a loose agglomeration constantly changing shape. Haumea has one longer axis, making it 'melon-shaped' but apparently stable. Haumea's shape is thought to be caused by its rapid rotation around its long axis, a single complete rotation requiring just 4 hours.

Where is haumea located in the solar system?

Haumea is one of the newly-discovered Kuiper Belt Objects out beyond the orbit of Neptune. It has a perihelion distance of about 35 AU.

What is the rotational period of Haumea?

Haumea's rotational period is 3.9155 hours.

What are the moons of Haumea?

Hi`iaka and Namaka, two of the daughters of Haumea

Is haumea the eleventh planet?

No. Haumea is not classified as a planet. It is a dwarf planet.