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Its not a menstrual its just bleeding or no bleeding and it take 2 to 3 days for completion...if its longer the egg did not attach..and you will have a early period

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Q: How long does implantation menstruation last?
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Can menstruation occur after implantation?


How long does implantation bleeding last after you get pregnant?

Not long, every person is different.

What event in the female menstrual cycle occurs if implantation does not occur?


How long does implantation lasts?

Implantation period occurs 6-12 days after intercourse. Implantation bleeding lasts a few hours to 3 days.

How long can implantation bleeding occur?

can last up to 10 days

How do you calculate weeks of pregnancy according to last menstruation?

You work out how long it is since the FIRST day of you last period.

How long after implantation bleeding stops will you be able to do a pregnancy test?

Implantation bleeding only last a couple of days and only occurs shortly after conception. Answer 1-3 days

If You start having PMS SYmptoms before implantation are you going to get period?

Okay. PMS (premenstrual syndrom) refers to a Syndrom caused by a woman's reaction to hormonal body changes just prior to menstruation. It usually starts around day 25 of the menstrual cycle. This indicates the body is about to experience menstruation. When an egg implants, there are hormonal changes in the body which prevent menstruation, and prepare the body to support the growing embryo. Implantation usually occures around day 14 of the menstrual cycle. If one experiences implantation, then hormones will be released preventing menstruation. Therefore, the body will not experience the hormones which begin menstruation. If you are having true PMS, then you are going to menstruate (have a period), and nothing was implanted, or will implant. As the uterus readies for menstruation, it becomes a hostile environment for the egg.

Can you have a period the first month of pregnancy?

No. A mild bleed in the first month of pregnancy is usually due to implantation, and can mimic menstruation.

How long does it take for the lining of the uterus to shed?

If you're referring to menstruation, then the average menstrual bleed will last between 5-7 days. Everyone is different and sometimes menstruation can last longer than this, especially if you have irregular cycles.

What is implantation and how long does it last?

Trading out body organs - depending on which one, it could take anywhere from 4 - 48 hours.

How long do implantation symptoms last what symptoms do you get besides bleeding?

stomach cramps, lower adominal pain, bloated stomach