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Left at room temperature, I've seen dogs and humans become ill after chicken has been set out 2-4 hours. It's going to vary depending on the dog (or person) and the temperature. You can ask your VET, but getting ill yourself or having your dog do the same isn't worth taking the chance for me when I'm using working dogs.

Refrigerated, it's usually good for 3-4 days.

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Q: How long does cooked chicken stay safe for dogs to eat if it does not get refrigerated by mistake?
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There are no warning signs after a dog eats cooked chicken......dogs don't die or get sick after eating cooked chicken. You only need to worry if the dog is choking on the chicken or if you fed the dog so much that the dog got a stomach ache or became overweight. If the dog is old get a's stomach may not be as strong as it used to be.

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Can dogs eat chicken liver?

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put them in a dogs mouth for about 5 mins and then stigh them back on the chicken and apoligise

How long is chicken good if refrigerated?

Cooked chicken could be good up to 4 days. Raw chicken is best used within 1 or 2 days. You should store the chicken in the coldest part of the refrigerator for best shelf life or put it in freezer if not used within that time frame.Thawed chicken should be cooked as soon as possible. If not using the chicken immediately, store in the refrigerator and use within 24 hours of thawing. Thaw frozen chicken using one of three methods: in the refrigerator; in a cold water bath, changing the water every 30 minutes; or in the microwave. If using one of the last two quick-thaw methods, cook the chicken immediately. NEVER thaw chicken at room temperature. USDA recommends 1-2 days of refrigerated storage (40°F).Depending upon the packaging of the chicken, how it was handled in-transit, and the temperature in the refrigerator, the chicken could last longer. For example, some refrigerators have a special meat storage drawer where the temperature is just under 32°F which will allow more shelf life.Uncooked fresh chicken: less than 2-4 days in sealed packageCooked chicken: less than 5 days in sealed bag or Tupperware

What do dogs do with the chicken after it kills it?

The dogs ignore the chicken after kills it because dogs know that they are the more powerful than a chicken.