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Most Monarch Butterflies do not live more than a few weeks. There are about 3 to 5 generations born each spring and summer and most of the offspring do not live beyond 5 weeks. The lone exception is the last generation born at the end of the summer.

The last generation of each year is the over-wintering generation that must make the journey back to Mexico. Rather than breeding immediately, the over-wintering monarchs fly back to Mexico and stay there until the following spring. In the early spring, they fly north to the southern United States and breed. Over-wintering monarch butterflies can live upwards of 8 months.

Curtacy of the National Wildlife Federation

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Two to four weeks

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Q: How long do monarch butterflies live for the year?
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In captivity how long do Monarch butterflies live?

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What instincts do monarch butterflies have?

Monarch butterflies have many instincts. Other than the instinctual desire to migrate each year, they are also driven to collect pollen and to mate.

How long do male butterflies live?

it depends what species there are but mostly one year

Where do Monarch Butterflies migrate to each year?

The Monarch Butterflies fly from Northern United States to mid/southern Mexico and make a trip back from Mexico to Northern USA to southern Canada. They do this migration every year like birds.

Where do the monarch butterflies migrate each year?

it depends on where the turtles are because when the water gets to cold for them they swim to warmer waters wich are mostly tropical parts of the world and then they end up staying there becaause of the warm water.

Do monarch butterflies migrate?

yes they do infact they migrate 99-19838454412512351 times a year

Does a monarch do anything amazing to survive?

An amazing thing that a monarch butterfly does to survive is make a 3,000 mile trip during migration. This is done by millions of monarch butterflies each and every year.

When do Monarch btterfies migrate?

In North America, Monarch's migrate south beginning in August until the first frost. They migrate north again in the spring. Monarch's can be found in New Zealand, Bermuda and Hawaii but the Monarch butterflies that inhabit these areas generally don't make long migrations because the temperatures stay mild year-round.

What jobs do monarch butterflies have?

The Monarch Butterflies have a very important job to do during their short life times. They increase the gentetic diversity of plants by a dramatic amount. Every year, millions of Monarch Butterflies migrate from southern Canada to Mexico, and each of them will pollenate millions of flowers, since the main diet of M. Butterflies is nectar. A few butterflies will carry pollen with them to Mexico, where they will in turn, fertilize the the plants with the pollen the are carrying. This process greatly increases genetic diversity in different species of flowers and other plants.

How long do butterfiles live?

Most of the butterflies life is spent in its larval stage of a caterpillar. When the adult butterfly emerges from the chrysalis, its only purpose is to mate, and lay eggs. Depending on the species, butterflies live for as little as a week or as much as a year.

What benefits to society has the monarch butterflies offer?

Every year, millions of Monarch Butterflies migrate from southern Canada to Mexico, and each of them will pollenate millions of flowers, since the main diet of M. Butterflies is nectar. A few butterflies will carry pollen with them to Mexico, where they will in turn, fertilize the the plants with the pollen the are carrying.

How long is the life span of a Old world Swallowtail?

Compared to other butterfly species, black swallowtail butterflies live long lives. As long as they avoid predators and are able to obtain food, they can live for up to a year.