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It is unlikely your older neutered cat has suddenly developed the urge to spray urine everywhere to mark his territory, unless another uncastrated tom has wandered into the area and is marking the territory. I would suspect your cat has a urinary problem and that he is not able to make it to the litter box in time. You should talk with your vet about this, and about what cleaning products are available to get the smell of cat urine out of the furniture.

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1-3 weeks it has to lose its hormones

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Q: How long after cat neutering will it stop spraying?
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Does neutering your cat cause behavior problems?

It is highly unlikely that neutering would cause any problems in a cat. On the contrary, neutering is said to actually helpcertain behaviour problems such as aggression or spraying.

Can you get a cat to stop spraying after he starts?

noAnother AnswerThe best thing to do is to neuter him. This may not completely stop him spraying, but after six to eight weeks after castration a cat's hormones will have diminished greatly. It is possible for a neutered cat to stop spraying in the house, as the need to advertise for a female is no longer there. A male cat still may spray for territorial reasons, but is more likely to do this outside.It is also ideal to train the cat (after neutering) not to spray.

Our Female cat who is fixed sprays in the house.?

Yes, that can happen. If she was spraying in the house before she was fixed, neutering her will not break the habit.

How does neutering your cat help?

Neutering your cat helps because it can't have babies and there won't be as many hungry and stray cats in the world If you neuter your cat, not only will he stop spraying (unless there's a territorial issue within the house or something else he is upset about), become less aggressive, and help not increase the amount of cats homeless, he will also live longer by about 2-3 years.

Do neutered cats attract other cats?

In most cases, they don't. This is because other cats consider a neutered cat ''genderless'' which may seem kind of crazy in real life, but that's actually true. Neutering your cat will decrease the risks of it getting into cat fights, and will stop it spraying.

Do cats in the wild get spayed or neutered?

Yes, because this will help prevent spraying and the "caterwauling" associated with the cat coming into heat/estrus. Also, spaying or neutering a house cat will prevent or stop any spraying and risks of cancers and other illnesses intact or non-fixed cats can develop at a later age.

Is spaying the only way to get female cat to stop spraying or will letting her have babies stop it from persisting?

Spaying your cat may only be two main reasons. Either to stop it from spraying or so it wont have kittens. But yes spaying it is the only way.

How long does a tabby cat live if not neutered?

neutering a cat doesnt affect its life span. only whether or not is can have babies

Stop stray Tomcat coming through cat flap and spraying in house?

Stray cats can be dangerous due to the possibility of carrying diseases from hunting. To stop a stray cat from coming in the home through a cat flap with the intention of spraying in the house, it is best to contact animal control to remove the animal.

How old is to old to neuter a cat?

A cat is never too old to neuter, as long as it is healthy. If you are considering neutering an older cat, check with your veterinarian about the surgery and the risks involved before making the decision.

How do you stop a male cat from spraying under a mobile home?

You may fix the cat, fix the skirt of the mobile home, or best option, both!

How can you stop a cat from going out?

Keep the doors shut. Spaying and neutering your pet while young will also keep it from developing the urge to roam.