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the gazelle and ostrich hang out with each other and when ever predators are near warn each other, the ostrich has bad sight, but great hearing. the gazelle has bad hearing, but good sight. they help each other in the race for survival . this is the symbiotic relationship btw (between) an ostrich and a gazelle .

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9y ago

Ostrich and Gazelles have been observed feeding near one another in the open plains of Africa. It appears that they keep watch for one another and warn the others of danger.

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Q: How is the symbiotic relationship between an ostrich and gazelle demonstrated?
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What is the symbiotic relationship of an ostrich and a gazelle?

The symbiotic relationship of an Ostrich and a gazelle is a mutualism relationship, since both species benefit one another.

What is the symbiotic relationship between ostrich and a gazelle?

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