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The land on the planet Neptune is water.

No. It isn't. There is no land on Neptune, all of hydrogen, helium, methane, and some hydrocarbons. No rock, no land. No surface, but gases. It is a gas giant.

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Q: How is the land on the planet Neptune?
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Does Neptune have any land?

No. Neptune is a gas planet.

Can you colonize on Neptune?

You can't because you can't land of a gas planet.

Does Neptune have any deserts?

No, Neptune is a gas planet and has no terra firma for a desert or any other land feature.

Is Neptune planet a land or a sea planet?

Neptune is classed as a gas giant, essentially neither a land or sea planet. Neptune's atmosphere is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium along with traces of hydrocarbons and possibly nitrogen. The interior of Neptune (its core) is thought to be composed of ices (water and methane) and rock. *Neptune is classified as a gas giant, not a land or sea planet. Composed primarily of H, He, hydrocarbons, N, water and methane ice. Traces of hydrocarbons and N (nitrogen) are found dusted on Neptune. Hydrogen and helium make up Neptune, composing to work for its blue color. Copyright 2010*

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Neptune is a planet.

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Planet Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun.

Is Neptune an inner or outer planet?

Neptune is an outer planet. It is the outermost planet in the solar system.

Why is it there the Neptune?

Neptune's vision is blue and it is the 8th planet. There is Neptune because it is a planet.

Which is the 8 th planet from the Sun?

Neptune is the eighth and furthest planet from the Sun.

What is the eighth planet from the sun?

Neptune is the eighth planet from the sunneptuneNeptune.

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if Pluto is not considered a planet, its neptune.

What planets are next to your planet Neptune?

The planet before Neptune is Uranus. The planet after Neptune is Pluto but Pluto is know classified as a dwarf planet.