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All i can say is, it was different way different. Thank-you thank-you very much!

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Q: How is the geography in Georgia in the 1700s?
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What was life in Georgia in the 1700s like?

Life in Georgia in the 1700s was very difficult since it was a colony of Great Britain. This is because the citizens of Georgia were subjected to hard labor.

Why economy grew in Georgia in 1700s?

for the dedt?

What is the geography of Georgia?


What was considered the largest state in the mid-1700s?


How did people make a living in Georgia in the 1700s?


What crops were grown in Georgia in the 1700s?

Tobacco, and cotton

What jobs were there in georgia durring the 1700s?

they run for joblol

What are some kind of events that Georgia state had in the 1500?

Georgia was not a state in the 1500s. It was not even called Georgia until the 1700s.

What is the geography of Albany Georgia?


Famous Georgia names in the late 1700s?

James Oglethorpe

What were the major industries in Atlanta Georgia in 1700s?


What products did Georgia have back in the 1700s?

Rice,Indigo and Tobacco :)