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I have Tourette's, and just looking at that part, it can be hard. It depends on the severity of the disorder. First, there are motor tics and vocal tics. I have several motor ticks, but they're not as bad as they could be. I roll my eyes as a tic, move my eyebrows up and ears back, twitch my nose and count my fingers. Most people think tics are involuntary movements. That's not always the case. I get an itching sensation deep in my muscles before I tic. I try to ignore it, but the longer I ignore it, the more aware I am of it, and the more I feel I need to move or tic. I have vocal tics as well. I clear my throat. When that happens I feel compelled to do it, then until I do. I have a mild case so it's all pretty discreet, but it still bothers me. I got made fun of for twitching my nose in school. I am 18 now, but I still the ignorant looks of confusion or disgust. I can look past them now because I don't have to see them tomorrow. Tics change over time. They get better or worse, or they stop or new ones come on. Stress brings out the tics. Also talking about it does as well, like you should see me now! Haha! If People with Tourette's have a hobby( I sing and used to be in Marching Band) they tick less or not at all while doing it. I found that to be true. I hope I answered your question!

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Q: How is someones life like when they have tourette syndrome?
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Is there a syndrome that can appear to be tourette's syndrome?

Many nervous disorders can produce symptoms like Tourette's. Extreme stress can resemble Tourette's. Sometimes autism spectrum disorders will result in Tourette's-like characteristics.

Can people with asperger's syndrome have children?

Yes. people with Tourette's Syndrome can have kids but, there is a very big chance for the child to have Tourette's and also if you have a sibling with Tourette's like i do you also have a chance to have a child with Tourette's or even just the side symptoms of Tourette's like OCD, ADD, ADHD, or anxiety.hope this helps

What does Tourette syndrome do to the body?

Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder that normally occurs in childhood. People with Tourette Syndrome tic, and tics are repetitive movements that they can't control. People with Tourette Syndrome can grow out of it, and they can be just as successful as someone without Tourette Syndrome. Roughly 2% of Americans have Tourette Syndrome, yet a lot of people still know nothing about the disorder. You can get Tourette Syndrome genetically, and there is a 50% chance you will pass it on to your child. There is also the possibility that there is an imbalanced level of Dopamine in the patents' body, which results in tics. Hope that helps!

What is the vector of Tourettes?

Since by vector I assume you mean organism/mechanism like air or water that carries it, Tourette's Syndrome has no vectors. Tourette's Syndrome is an autosomal (chromosomal) dominant genetic disorder that is passed down through the hereditary line, much like other dominant characteristics, for example brown eyes. You are either born with latent (dormant) Tourette's, or you don't have it. Tourette's is almost exclusively dormant at birth, and does not show symptoms until 4-6 years later.

Is there someone who has Tourette Syndrome who would like to be interviewed?

Tourette Syndrome is, often (depending on severity), not a fun condition to have. Many sufferers may be unwilling to put themselves in spotlight. That being said, there are documentaries of interviewed Tourette's sufferers, one called 'I swear I can't help it'. Such documentaries are usually quite informative. Due to the sensitive nature of Tourette's being apparently an unpleasant condition, it is up to the inteviewee whether they be interviewed, not up to the interviewer.

On what chromosome is tourette syndrome located on?

They don't know yet, Recent research suggests that a small number of Tourette syndrome cases may be caused by a defect on chromosome 13 of gene SLITRK1. and some other chromosomes like 7. There now busy with a study to find the genes that may cause tourette syndrome, results will be given by 2018

What are the effects of Tourette's Syndrome?

tourette's syndrome is a disorder of the brain where you feel like you have the urge to say or do something, and you can't hold it back, they are also called ticsthere are ways to improve it:relax and pretend you are about to do this tic that you hate and have, and think about pushing it into something you likeexercise helps the brain in general, but it helps your neurological system too

How Many People Get Tourette Syndrome?

i have turrets syndrome i say bad words and races stuff i am 12 years old and i have a family of 30 ants and uncles and like 50 cousins and i am the only person in my family that has it. apprx. 1 in 1000 kids have tourettes

What does a child psychiatrist do?

Child psychiatrist are essentially highly specialized doctors skilled at working with children who exhibit mental disorders or who have developmental conditions like retardation, significant learning disabilities, or things like Tourette syndrome.

Does nat wolf have torrette syndrome?

Yes but,he doesn't like to talk about it. He got it from his dad,but its not as bad as it use to be. He can control it,most of the time.He does and he got it from his dad he can control it now so it is like he does not have it he is also very passonit about tourette syndrome

Are people with Tourette Syndrome accepted by society?

Sufferers of Tourette's Syndrome are largely accepted by society. But there are many misconceptions about their behaviour that it could be linked with drug abuse or mental retardation, despite being a neurological disorder with psychological causes and influences. Many in society also believe that due to their sometimes aggressive movements and tics that they are violent, while others believe that they are attention seeking through pretending to have involuntary movements. In reality their actions are involuntary and their severity is subject mood and environment at the time. It is a disorder which can be moderated with medication and psychological treatment and sufferers do not, on average suffer from any other psychological illnesses as a result from the disorder. They are mentally stable individuals. It is best to fully research the true causes of Tourette's Syndrome and it's symptoms and not to base your judgments on biased views such as within the media. People with Tourette's are no different than anyone else! These days my brother can't do things that other people do like go to the movies and stuff like that. people always think that Tourette's is when people just scream curse words but its not only that so if you see someone that you think may have Tourette's don't stare them down just look at them as if you look at any other person because i get very aggravated with people when they make fun of people that are just like them especially since my brother has Tourette's!

Is there a test for Tourette syndrome?

I have Tourettes syndrome, and I've been to the doctor for a true diagnosis. No there's not a cure, but there are medications that reduce the severity of the tics. There are side effects like weight gain and acne just like any other medication.