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There are many different reasons (high blood pressure, past due date, large baby, etc.) that a doctor may choose to induce his patient, but if your doctor does induce you here are some procedures you could expect:
  • Break your water (amniotomy) - the doctor takes a small plastic hook and and ruptures the amniotic sac during a vaginal exam
  • Pitocin can be given through and IV, which is the hormone oxytocin, which helps the body to stimulate contractions
  • The doctor may use prostaglandin to help ripen the cervix. It can be administered via a pill or a vaginal insert

Many women fear that being induced will be painful. However, childbirth can be a painful experience whether or are induced or not. Be sure to talk to your doctor about pain management or be sure to take breathing classes or hire a doula to help when the pain gets intense. Good luck!
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13y ago
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14y ago

Pitocin is given through an IV.

Not only is Pitocin given through an IV, but there are many ways to go about it. Cervadil is a cervical cap that is placed on your cervix to encourage dilating. They may give you prostaglandin gel to ripen your cervix, and may break your waters after that.

Pitocin through an IV can cause intense contractions, if given the right dose. Giving too strong of a dose of pitocin can cause uterine tears, due to the abnormal contractions.

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15y ago

There are many different ways that labor can be induced.

One way is by breaking the water. This is where the doctor will insert a medical instrument into the vagina that will rupture the amniotic sac.

Another way is by use of medications. One medication is pitocin. This medication will bring on very strong contractions. It is the synthetic form of oxytocin which is created by the body naturally. However, this medication has serious side effects and is administered in much higher doses than the body makes naturally. Thus is the reason that the contractions are very, very strong.

Another medication is called Cytotec. This, at last I understood it, was used off label for the induction of labor. Many doctors don't even use this because of the serious side effects that come with the medication.

Another way is by doing what is called "stripping the membranes." This is when the doctor will separate the amniotic sac from the uterine wall. This is a painful procedure and does not always work.

Hospital inductions should be researched throughly by the mother to be and her partner before deciding whether this is a viable option that she would want to pursue. There are side effects with all un-natural inductions that can lead to serious problems. And with almost all inductions - it leads to the need for another medication of some sort.

There are natural alternatives to hospital inductions that should be researched as well.

Lastly, one could just wait for the body to do its job naturally, which in most cases, is the absolute best way to go.

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15y ago

There are a few ways to induce labor. Although it is very important to go full term so your baby gets all the things he/she needs. The things I have been told are spicy foods, walking, and the biggest one is sex.

Watch a REALLY intense Horror movie : )

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13y ago

Most labor is induced by using the drug Pitocin, a synthetic form of oxytocin. Oxytocin is a natural hormone produced in the body by the pituitary gland. During normal labor, oxytocin causes contractions. When labor does not occur.

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8y ago

It's not really safe to try and induce labor on your own. However, some old wives' tales say to eat spicy food or have sex.

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15y ago

there is no " way " to induce it . . It happens naturally !

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