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Atropine is used in ophthalmology as well when the measurement of eye refractive errors (i.e., cyclopegia) is required, due to its papillary dilation properties.

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Q: How is atropine used in ophthalmology?
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Is atropine a steroid?

No! Atropine is commonly used with steroids after proper diagnosis.

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Flowering bulbs containing atropine?

Injections of atropine are used in the treatment of bradycardia, an extremely-low heart rate. Atropine is found naturally in nightshade, jimson weed, and henbane.

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Why atropine is given in bronchial asthma?

atropine is use to combat bronchospasm. most commonly as the ipratropium bromide. bronchospasm is one means by which asthma occurs. btw atropine is used mostly in emergency medecine. atrovent is used more for maintenance therapy

How long will pupils stay dilated after usining atropine?

Just had eye surgery and used Atropine for about 6 weeks. Dr. said the effects of the Atropine will last 1-2 weeks after the last drop was administered.

Why would atropine eye drops be used orally by hospice?

Atropine drops are often used sublingually in patients that are very close to death to help alleviate oral secretions.

Why would a doctor prescribe atropine?


Atropine sulfate preoperatively?

atropine sulfate is used as an antidote of anticholinesterase meds administered on patients with myasthenia gravis. Atropine sulfate should be also made available when performing the Tensilon Test to reverse the effect of Edrophonium injection.

What is the term used for the study of the eye?

Ophthalmology is the study of the eye.

What is the term used for the study of eye?

Ophthalmology is the study of the eye.