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Ender is highly intelligent, strategic, and shows exceptional leadership skills from a young age. He also possesses a unique empathy for understanding others' perspectives and emotions, which sets him apart from other boys who may lack his level of emotional intelligence and critical thinking abilities.

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11y ago

Ender from the book Ender's Game, is very different from other boys.

He is outstandingly smart, very mature, passionate, and is always one step ahead of other kids.

If you like Ender's game, I would recommend reading the series, they are a work of art!

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7y ago

Ender is a third child in a future where the number of children is limited. He is highly intelligent and has leadership qualities.

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No, Ender did not intentionally mean to break the other boy's arm. It was a result of defending himself in the battle room simulation where he was under immense pressure to win. He felt regret and guilt for his actions.

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Ender's Game, Ender in Exile, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind. Ender's Shadow is a sort of mirror of Ender's Game- same basic story, but different point of view. It is not Ender's story per se, but I would read it while Ender's Game is fresh in your mind. Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow Puppets, and Shadow of the Giant are the other "parallel" books. .

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He watches the other kids fight and learns from that

When was Ender's Shadow created?

"Ender's Shadow" was first published in 1999. It is a parallel novel to Orson Scott Card's famous sci-fi novel "Ender's Game," offering a different perspective on the events of the original book.

Who does ender meet in chapter 7 of enders game?

In Chapter 7 of "Ender's Game," Ender meets Bean, a small but intelligent and cunning boy who stands out among the other recruits. Bean becomes a significant character in Ender's story and plays a crucial role in Ender's training and development.

How does Rose try to humiliate Ender in the book Ender's Game?

Rose tries to humiliate Ender by spreading rumors and lies about him to the other students. She manipulates situations to make Ender look bad and tries to turn people against him. Ultimately, her efforts are unsuccessful as Ender prevails and proves himself despite her attempts.

Why did Ender hurt Stilson so badly in Ender's Game?

Ender hurt Stilson in self-defense, as a way to deter future attacks from not only Stilson but also his other bullies. Ender believed that it was necessary to show strength in order to prevent further violence.

How does ender differ from the other 19 boys in his launch group?

He's younger, smarter, and a "third" (a third child when families are limited to 2 children.) Another difference is that, unbeknownst to Ender, he has been chosen by the teachers (particularly Colonel Graff) as the best hope for humanity: the best choice for a battle commander against the Buggers.

How does Graff set Ender up to be ostracized?

On the very first day, on the shuttle to Battle School, Graff blatantly and repeatedly tells all the boys that he expects Ender is the only one who's going to survive and do well at the school.