

How hot is the planet neptune?

Updated: 11/22/2022
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12y ago

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quite cold

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Q: How hot is the planet neptune?
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Is neptune a hot or cold planet compared to mars?

Neptune is much colder than Mars.

What causes the temperature on Neptune to be so hot?

You are gravely mistaken. Neptune is not a hot planet and it never has been. Neptune is so far from the sun that the planet and its atmosphere are absolutely freezing. The average temperature of Neptune is −218 °C (55.1 K).

How hot is the planet Neptune in Degrees Celsius?

Actually, Neptune is not hot but, it is to cold because it's mean surface temperature is -200.15 C ( 387.27 F).For more information about the Planet Neptune or the other Planets, visit the link below:

Is Neptune a sun?

No, Neptune is a planet. Stars are hot, glowing with the heat from nuclear fusion in their core. Neptune is cold, and much too small to have fusion.

Is planet Neptune made up of mostly gas or rock?

Neptune is an "Ice Giant" planet. Neptune's atmosphere is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium. We can not see the surface but we believe the surface is primarily composed of ices and rock and the planet has a hot core.

Is Neptune a star or a planet?

Neptune is a planet.

What is Neptune's planet number?

Planet Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun.

Is Neptune an inner or outer planet?

Neptune is an outer planet. It is the outermost planet in the solar system.

What are the Differences between Mercury and Neptune?

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Why is it there the Neptune?

Neptune's vision is blue and it is the 8th planet. There is Neptune because it is a planet.

Which is the 8 th planet from the Sun?

Neptune is the eighth and furthest planet from the Sun.