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Q: How has Easter Island changed over the years?
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Who populated Easter Island?

Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, was populated by Polynesians around the 12th century AD. These early settlers likely arrived by boat from other Polynesian islands, using their navigational skills to traverse vast distances of the Pacific Ocean. The population on Easter Island declined significantly over time due to environmental degradation and social collapse.

What is Easter Island famous for?

its flowers, but they also have some very cool stones that were knockd over by a cyclone that got fixed by d japs.

How Miami has changed over the years?

there are no longer and slums and they are all condos. more information needed? check the link.

Why is Easter Island so mysterious?

Easter Island is a mysterious place because slave traders committed a very thorough genocide over the short span of 2 years in the 1860s. When catholic missionaries came in relief efforts it was too late to save them. When asked about what their writings (called "rongorongo", basically hieroglyphs carved into wood) meant, the natives were wary of visitors and were unresponsive. Still, they were expected to convert from paganism to catholic, put on some clothes and burn their rongorongo which probably felt like a threat to the missionaries. With the writings... and this is just my take on it (there are many)... dies a lot of the recorded history of the land. I'd say that adds quite a bit of mystery. Even before the genocide, though, there were a lot of unanswered questions about when people began settling there, where they came from, what the geologic conditions were (some theories involve the sea level being much much lower, thereby making Easter Island the tallest peak on a very large island).

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Has Easter island changed over time?

Yes. Not too long ago, it had forests.

Has Easter changed over the years?

In the United States, yes, Easter, like most religious holidays, has become more commercialized,

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No Easter Island was anexed by Chille in 1888.

What is the closest landmass to Easter island?

Easter Island is entirely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. Easter Island is over 1,200 miles from the nearest inhabited land.

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Easter island is the Pacific island that is one of the most isolated islands in the world. Easter Island is has a population of about 5,761 people.

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Are people live on Easter Island yes or no?

I believe so. If you use Google Maps, and you zoom in on Easter Island, then you can see a bunch of little houses scattered all over the place.

Where moai of Easter Island are enormous statues that watch over?

the sites of religious ceremonies