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The rainbow may be very close or very far away. It is seen from the formation around water droplets that can be as close as a few feet to many miles distant.

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Q: How far away is a rainbow?
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Why is there no pink in the rainbow?

there is pink in a rainbow people cant see it from this far away.

How far away is a rainbow from earth?

a rainbow isnot away from the earth a rainbow is when the sun reflecks off rain that is fallling like a mist and gives you a raainbow

How far away is a rainbow when it is formed?

It is hard to judge how far away a rain cloud is especially if it's moving. The rainbow's distance extends from the nearest to the farthest raindrops that contribute any part of the colored light. The closest of these raindrops may be miles away. In the case of water spray from a lawn sprinkler in which a rainbow appears, you can reach right in and "touch it"....or so it seems. Many questions are unique to one's cultural history. Hoped This Helped.

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A "rainbow" is not a physical object, and cannot be physically approached. Hope that answered your question. :)

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The rainbow is rain's girlfriend that why when it fain and go away the rainbow that looking for rain.

Is far far away a place?

Far, far away is a saying that means something is literally far away.

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Rainbow lorikeets are native to the the eastern coast and the northern regions of the continent of Australia.

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Give away one of it's rainbow scales.

How far is Tokyo Tower from the Rainbow Bridge?

42 miles

Is there such thing as a quadruple rainbow?

No i dont think so as for no one yet so far has ver "seen" a quadruple rainbow

How much mulch do you get when you harvest the rainbow on binweevils?

you get 500 mulch for harvesting a rainbow but the rainbow never goes away unless you sell it so you can harvest it again and again.

How many people have been at the bottom of a rainbow?

None a rainbow is an illusion. You can never go under it. It will appear as if its moving away from you.