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In latitude, each pole is 90° from the equator.

The surface distance from a pole to the equator is 1/4 of the polar circumference of the Earth (40,007.86 kilometers or 24,859.73 miles). So the distance from the equator to either pole is approximately 10,001.96 kilometers or 6,214.93 miles. This was the original basis for the definition of the meter.

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If you could travel in a straight line between the poles, the distance would be about 7,500 miles. But that would mean traveling through the center of the earth. Since you can't burrow beneath the surface, the shortest trip you can make from North Pole to South Pole is on the surface, which is about 11,750 miles.

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Q: How far are the north and south poles away from the equator?
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What areas are farthest away from the equator called?

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Does snow fall near the poles?

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It's because usually the farther you get away from the equator the colder it is north, south east or west and so on

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The equator is very hot. The closer the the equator, the warmer you are! If you are very far away from the equator like the north or south pole, it will be cold.

How many degrees from the South Pole to the Equator?

The south pole is 90° south of the equator.

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The North Pole and the South Pole are far away from the equator.

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One degree of longitude represents about 69.1 miles along the equator. It dwindles as you move away from the equator, and is zero at the north and south poles.

How does a locations latitude determine how warm or cold it is?

The latitude can be thought of as the distance from the equator. 0 degrees latitude is the equator, which is typically warmer than locations closer than the poles. As you move away from the Equator and towards the North or South poles, the weather tends to be colder. In contrast, the region between the poles and the equator often has a greater temperature range variation.

What do the south pole and the north pole have in common?

The poles are the points on earth where all lines of longitude meet, each 90 degrees away from the equator.