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The tongue has only a few basic tastes, sweet, sour, salt, bitter and umami (the weird one). The nose however can absorb far more from a scent than the taste buds.

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Q: How does the nose interfire with the tast of food?
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The increased volume and thickness of mucus in your mouth and nose blocks your tast buds and your olfactory (smell) sensors

Why do you not tast sweets?

You can taste sweets or anything by the help of the tongue but if you have a cold or any other problems so you can't really taste food. The nose is the sense that also makes us taste food so if you have a problem, you should go to the doctor.

How do taste buds tast food?

we taste them by licking nd chewing the food so are taste buds process what we are eating.

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It makes the food more visually enjoyable and in some cases, makes it tast better

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maby because the spices tast good with food

what job do the nose?

The nose (nasal passages) help to filter the air. You also taste food with your nose. Try holding your nose while eating you won't be able to taste your food.

What detects tast?

your mouth

What does a shark use its nose for?

It uses its nose for smelling its food and finding it.

What is it called when you can't tast?

Ageusia is the loss of taste functions of the tongue. There can be a partial loss of tast which is known as Hypogeusia. I do not know what they call people who have lossed the taste though, Ageusians? Not sure! Loss of smell by the way, just in case you are sadly inflicted with this illness is known as Anosmia, which is technically the loss of olfactory functions in the nose, rendering your body unable to process smell :-(.

What does there nose help them do?

The nose helps the Bottlenose Dolphins to smell out their prey and food

Why does your nose run when you eat greasy food?

your nose runs, then this means you have a problem!

Do boys have different tast buds?
