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amoeba feeds on some microscopic organisms when it senses food particle it pushes out and engulf it. The food becomes trapped in its food vacuole. Digestive juices are secreted into the food vacuole.They act on the food and break it into simpler substances gradually the digested food is absorbed. The substances are used for growth maintenance and multiplication of amoeba. The undigested substances of food is expelled outside by the vacuole.

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Q: How does the amoeba takes in and digests food?
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How do amoebas digest food?

The amoeba surrounds the food with psuedopods and forms a food vacuole. This vacuole then digests the food with digestive enzymes.

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The digestion of food in Amoeba takes place in the food vacuole. :)

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food vacuole is mainly formed in amoeba, where it digests the food with several enzymes and then destroys. but in our body stomach is there to digest the food.

How do you describe how an amoeba feeds in your own words?

An amoeba feeds through a process called phagocytosis. Phagocytosis works by a cell engulfing its food source, puncturing the cell wall, and digests it in its food vacuole.

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The food vacuole is formed by the outer membrane of the amoeba after phagocytosis, digestive enzymes then enter the food vacuole which digest the food that was recently taken in by pseudopods.

How doe amoeba takes in its food?

envagination or phagocytosis

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How ingestion takes in amoeba?

when amoeba comes in touch in a food particle it spreads it's cup shaped pseudopodia around the food particle and engulfs it to it's cytoplasm

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How amoeba takes up food describe process with diagram?

The mode of nutrition in amoeba is holozoic. The process of obtaining food is called phagocytosis. Amoeba feeds on microscopic organisms floating on water. The nutrition involves processes like ingestion, digestion, assimilation and egestion.Process : Amoeba forms pseudopodia to take food. When the tips of

Does an Amoeba have a endoskeleton or extoskeleton?

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