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rotting out snow packs bottom

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When do you get avalanches?

Avalanches are most likely to occur in the alpine regions of France, Switzerland and Austria. However avalanches can occur on any steep slope, considering the factors. Within the U.S, Alaska, Colorado and Utah are the states that avalanches occur most often.

What causes avalanches in the Alps?

it is caused when rapid temperature changes occur, a heavy snow fall, or strong winds. Skiers or snowboarders also set off avalanches because they will ski on the fresh loose snow and if the conditions are right the snow will crack beneath them. Loud noises do not set off avalanches. If you don't believe me look up "Avalanches 101" on or

What causes an avalanches?

This is not related to tickets. An avalanche is a collapse of a large quantity of snow from a packed overhang to a lower area, typically from the top of a hill or mountain into a valley. An avalanche causes a huge fall of snow.

What is a snow lab?

a snow lab is a thing which pridicts avalanches.

What affects do avalanches have on buildings?

avalanches can destroy peoples homes and they can snow them in and they cant get out so

Are avalanches always snow?

it consist of mud or rock and mainly snow

What do avalanches use to destroy things?

avalanches can destroy communities and animal habitats

What are the most common causes of avalanches?

· Deforestation can contribute to avalanche formation. Hence, rainwater cannot be trapped and held. This removes the natural barrier to avalanches and landslides. · When mountainous areas are cleared and developed to tourist resorts, people start visiting it. The various activities of people wear away the vegetation. Thus, like deforestation, the natural barrier to avalanches is removed Other human causes are contruction, mining and global warming. Road construction steepens the slopes, while quarrying and mining causes big holes to be dug into the ground, making the land unstable and may collapse. Global warming causes changes in weather patterns. It can cause snow to melt when it should not, and thus, increasing the risk of an avala

Why do you get avalanches?

Because the a slab of snow starts moving down a snow slope.

Can avalanches be prevented?

avalanches can be prevented by removing the potential energy stored in the snow by blasting it with dyno-mite

What does snow and avalanches have to do with chemistry?

The molecular makeup of snow is quite unique, in that it's a maleable solid. Chemistry behind avalanches, could involve what temperature snow needs to be to melt - and cause an avalanche. thanks

What starts avalanches?

When a sound is too high it echos and makes the snow move by vibrations causing what we call avalanches