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Most organised religions have required ethical behaviours.

If you have not seen it there is an excellent example of this in a poster on the "Golden Rule". (see the link below) I found myself looking at this poster while in a local hospital and marveling in the fact someone had taken the time to compile examples of the similarities in 13 major faith systems. So many people these days spend their time and energies looking for the differences. But I digress...

Some but not all of the major organised religions and not a few of the lesser known ones preach that the "rules" or ethics are more importantly applied to those of their own faith. This is not so for many others.

Unfortunately too many people these days take it upon themselves to exclude all others from their ethical practices.

As the trend moves to separate church and state, less and less of the old ethics remain. We must rely now on the moral fiber of those making our laws and heading our businesses.

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Q: How does organisational values and norms influence work ethos?
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