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Until you are legal you cannot file a tax return. If you are legal on December 31st of the tax year you can probably file as follows. You can be listed on a return as spouse and write applied for in the place for your return. You will have to file this by mail as it will be able to file electronically.

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Q: How does immigrant file taxes when newly married to citizen and still waiting on social security number?
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An American citizen can marry an immigrant who already has a green card in the United States. The immigrant is placed in preference category 2A, and is placed on a waiting list.

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You get a social security number as soon as you become a citizen, but you must file to get a card. There is no waiting time, you can get it as soon as you become a citizen.

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ONLY if you have your papers and proof that you are married with a citizen or resident, if not, you are considered an illegal in the U.S.

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Yes ==but there isa more money in not adopting the kid. I would think it over. STATED BY AUTHOR

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Depending on the how fast the Consulate and USCIS offices are processing applications, the whole process can take at least a year or two UNLESS if an immigrant is backlogged for review and that current waiting time for is 13-15 months. It alllll depends on the Consulate & USCIS and what kind of bans they get if they were illegal.

What is a k3 visa?

I should first mention that for detailed and up-to-date information about this visa; you can visit the Visa Library website. As I understand, the K3 visa allows the spouse from a foreign country to move to the US and live there while waiting for the immigrant visa petition to be approved. This applies to married couples when one spouse is a US citizen, and the other is from another country.I hope your visa application process goes well.If my post helped you, please like it.

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You have to go through a thing called Naturalization, it involves several years and steps. First step is to file a Declaration of Intention with the immigration authorites, most immigrants must live in the U.S. for 5 years befor the next step. The next step is to take special classes to prepare for citizenship. They need to study English language, American history, and civics. They must demonstrate basic knowledge in all three areas. After the waiting period, an immigrant may file an applcation for naturalization, applicants must be atleat 18 years of age. Then a government agency called the Immigration and Naturalization Service reviews this application to make sure the information on it is true and complete. This often takes several months. The final steps are if the application is approved, the immigrant will be given an appointment to meet with an immigration examiner. The examiner will then decide whether the immigrant is qualified to become a U.S. citizen, the examiner determines this by asking a series of questions about American history, American government, and his or her reasons for wanting to be an American citizen. The immigrant must answer these questions correctly, and in English. If the examiner is satified that the immigrant is ready to become a citizen the final step is a brief court apperance, in court the immigrant is asked to take an oath of loyalty to the U.S. after taking the oath the immigrant is officially declared a U.S. citizen, with all the rights and responsibilities that go along with citizenship. If the immigrant has children under 18, those children automatically become citizens as well.