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Plants grow and germinate faster because plants and seeds have a natural substance called abscissic acid that is full of magnetic minerals, so when the magnet is put near a seed or plant it makes it grow faster. If gravity is pulling on the roots then the roots will alwasy grow the way they are being held. If it is held upside down however the it is most likely that it would grow upside down! So pretty much it will always TO the earths magnetic core.

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13y ago
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13y ago

nm...i think yes....cuz u dat in access amount of water, a plant DOESN'T GROW! so i think its the same here...

hope this helps :)

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9y ago

The effect of gravity on seedlings is called gravitropism or geotropism. The seedling's roots grow toward the pull of gravity while the shoots grow away from the force of gravity.

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13y ago

Moisture, soil pH, soil nutrients, scarification, warmth from the sun that heats up the soil, etc.

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Q: How does the amount of water affect the germination of seeds?
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How does water affect the germination of seeds?

Water will typically start the germination process of seeds. This is because the water is needed to break down the protective shell on the seed.

How does water affect germination of seeds?

Water will typically start the germination process of seeds. This is because the water is needed to break down the protective shell on the seed.

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No, Sprite does not affect the germination of radish seeds. Germination is primarily influenced by factors such as water, light, temperature, and seed quality. Sprite, a carbonated beverage, does not have any properties that would directly impact seed germination.

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The enzymes in the dry seeds get activated after absorbing water and it unlocks several chemical reaction leading to the germination of seed.

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Water is absorbed by osmosis inside the seeds of any plant, which soften the seed's shell and triggers germination.

Does water affect germination rate?

well yes, this is beause the seeds embryo needs water to start its growth. However water isn't the main necessity, the temperature is.

What stimulates germination of desert plant seeds after a hard rain?

The water itself stimulates the germination of the seeds.

Do Seeds require water for germination?


How does salinity affect seed germination?

The salt inhibits germination of seeds. Although a little bit of salt does help the seed to grow more than if it just had normal water.

Does the soaking of seeds affect germination?

of course. controled soaking and drying is used to create primed seeds. the water starts the germination process. of course the root will soon need oxygen so if you keep it soaked it will suffacte and die.