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at the top of the ramp the toy has a certain amount of potential energy. The amount of this energy depends on the height of the ramp and the weight of the toy. (The toy's weight is dependent on its mass and the force of gravity.) As the toy rolls down the ramp this potential energy is converted to two other types of energy: Kinetic energy and heat energy. The amount of heat energy depends on friction and air resistance. The lower the total resistance the more kinetic energy, and the more speed, the toy has at the bottom of the ramp.

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Q: How does friction affect the distance traveled by a toy car after rolling down a ramp?
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2 factors that affect the distance taken for a toy car to stop after rolling down a ramp?

Gravity and friction !

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pls iask you a question you are giving me to answer

How does gravity and friction affect sports?

This is because it slows you down and it means that you will get hot feet

Does friction affect stopping distance?

Yes, friction affects stopping distance. The greater the friction the lower the stopping distance; the lower the friction the greater the stopping distance.

Does height affect distance traveled?

height effects distance traveld

Is rolling friction greater than sliding friction?

Typically not. However rolling friction is somewhat of a myth. Rolling friction is actually caused by static friction. There are really only two types of friction: Static and Kinetic. That's it! Rolling friction is caused by static friction and the coefficient of friction (which determines its strength) is dependent upon the two materials of interaction.

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On carpet the friction is more as it is a rough surface therefore it stops or slow down a rolling ball.

Does the texture of what something is rolling on affect its speed?

Yes, the texture of what something is rolling on can affect its speed. Rough surfaces create more friction, slowing down the object. Smooth surfaces have less friction, allowing the object to roll faster.

How does friction affect the way you live?

Friction is essential to the way we live and life as a whole. An example of friction is sliding down a hill on a sled or even just our joints rubbing together or even the wheels on a rolling on the ground

How does the distance change with time?

The time does affect the distance traveled because the longer you allow something to go, the farther its going to go. the other way around would be the longer you let it to, the longer its going to take. So time DOES affect the distance traveled.

Name all the factors that affect the distance taken for a toy car to stop after rolling down a ramp?

- The slope and length of the ramp. - The rolling friction between the tires and the ramp/ground. - The air resistance (which is dependent on the velocity and geometrical shape of the car). - The direction and speed of the wind. - The smoothness of the ground (a rugged surface will slow the car down).

What doesn't affect friction?

A variable that has no affect on friction is Inertia