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The ship floats because of its large volume which displaces an amount of water that is more than its weight. That creates an upward force called buoyant force which keeps the ship on the surface.

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A submarine changes its buoyancy using ballast tanks. They are either filled with water or air to rise or sink, respectively.

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Submarines of course use ballast tanks.

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Q: How does a submarine change its buoyancy?
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How does buoyancy and density help a submarine to dive and float?

A submarine has buoyancy tanks along its length. To dive or sink these are filled with water, which enters through valves, so the vessel becomes heavier. Its speed of descent can be controlled by the amount of water in the tanks and also by aerilons (small wings) which can be tilted to steepen the dive. There is obviously a depth limit for each submarine. To surface the vessel blows the water out with compressed air, the vessel gets lighter (more buoyant) and rises to the surface.

How negative buoyancy affect a blimp?

Negative buoyancy is when the gravitational pull on a diver is greater than the buoyant force. This means that the diver is being pulled downward, and that the buoyant force is doing negative work (work that is in the opposite direction of the displacement). Positive buoyancy is the opposite situation in which the buoyant force of the diver is greater than the gravitational pull, which makes the diver move upwards. Usually, a person's weight is slightly more than the weight of the displaced amount of water. For example, a person who weighs 80kg displaces 79dm2 of water, which weighs 79kg, that is, he has about 1kg of negative buoyancy. As for your question whether this negative buoancy is a unique feature for black people, the answer is no. it is related to the person's density.

Does buoyancy work in space?

No chance of buoyancy force in free space. Buoyancy is the force is due to the weight of the expelled fluid when an object comes into that fluid. But in free space no material is present and so no expelling. Hence no buoyancy.

What is buoyancy determined by?

The amount of buoyancy an item has is determined by its weight in comparison to its volume (or simply put, its density) The less dense it is, the more buoyant it is. For a full explanation of how buoyancy works go to the related question "What is the buoyancy principle?" in the Related Questions section below.

What branch of science is buoyancy classified under?

The phenomenon of buoyancy would be classified under the category of hydraulics.

Related questions

What has buoyancy?

a submarine

What has neutral buoyancy?

a submarine

What is the function of the ballast tanks on a submarine?

To change the buoyancy of the boat and allow it to rise and sink in the water.

What is a submarines buoyancy?

A submarine has a variable buoyancy due to it's ballast tanks. When a submarine submerges, it fills it's ballast tanks with water which causes negative buoyancy. When a submarine surfaces, it pumps the water out of the ballast tanks thus giving it positive buoyancy.

How does a submarine float?

It floats and sink by changing its buoyancy. The primary method of controling buoyancy is the ballast tanks. The air is let out of them and is displaced by water. This gives the submarine negative buoyancy, which will get the submarine to submerge. By blowing or pumping air into those ballast tanks, the submarine becomes buoyant and rises to the surface.

Does a submarine float?

It floats and sink by changing its buoyancy. The primary method of controling buoyancy is the ballast tanks. The air is let out of them and is displaced by water. This gives the submarine negative buoyancy, which will get the submarine to submerge. By blowing or pumping air into those ballast tanks, the submarine becomes buoyant and rises to the surface.

The buoyancy force on a submarine submerged in the ocean equals what?

the weight of the water displaced by the submarine.

What kind of buoyancy do submarines have when they are resting on the surfce of the ocean?

Positive Buoyancy. When submarine submerges, it initially uses negative buoyancy to submerge, and then levels out to neutral buoyancy.

What are the purpose of ballast tanks?

to control the buoyancy of a submarine

What kind of buoyancy did the first submarine?

almost neutral

The buoyancy force on a submarine submerged in the ocean equals?

the weight of the ocean water displaced by the submarine.

What kind of buoyancy did the first submarine have?

almost neutral