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Q: How does a fault moves when it is under compression?
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A what fault moves because it is under compression?

A reverse fault moves because it is under compression. The dip of a reverse fault is relatively steep, greater than 45-degrees.

What kind of fault moves because it is under compression?

Reverse faults move due to being under pressure.

What kind of fault moves because it is under tension?

A normal fault moves because it is under tension.

What does reverse fault produce?

The hanging wall moves up relative to the foot wall. These happen when tectonic forces push rocks together. It is caused by compression.

What fault moves because it under tension?


How does a thrust fault form?

A high-angle fault under compression

What is the difference between a normal fault and reverse fault?

A Reverse fault is happens when tectonic forces cause compression that PUSHES rocks together. Normal fault happens when tectonic forces cause tension that PULLS rocks apart.Normal fault is when the hanging block moves down relative to foot block wall where as the reverse fault is formed when the hanging block wall moves up relative to the foot block walls a result of tension and compression force respectively

What type of fault moves because it is under tension?

Normal faults

Which type of fault is under compression?

Reverse and thrust faults are both under compressive stress.

Which type of fault occurs when a portion of rocks moves upward leaving the other in place with a dip?

The answer is a dip-slip fault, When a portion of rock moves upward leaving the other in place with a dip this is known as a dip-slip fault.

What is a fault caused by compression forces?

Reverse Fault

What fault moves because it is under tension.?
