

How does President Obama feel about the current economy?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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It seems to me like he feels it is moving in the right direction and improving significantly over how it was when he took office with all the baggage of the prior administration, including a totally failed Republican economic policy ("trickle down"). The economy was also driven into the ditch by the results of the Republican de-regulations of the banking industry and Wall Street, which was advocated by the prior Bush-Cheney administration (and, oddly, continues to be advocated by Republican candidate Romney in the 2012 Presidential election).

President Obama is not yet satisfied with where it is at this time or with how fast it is improving, but the economy is recovering and jobs are being created, due to the new policies that President Obama put in place, including saving the auto industry with stimulus money.

When President Obama explains his economic plans, most non-partisan economists think he has been, and plans to do, exactly what is needed to help the middle class and continue the economic recovery (if the obstruction with a record number of Republican filibusters in Congress does not continue to hold America hostage and prevent the recovery, simply for their political reasons).

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