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you cant really you technically need a period to be fertile because if you are producing eggs when they are not being fertilised they need to be washed out by bleeding but that doesnt mean you cannot get pregnant if you write down any pains and twinges you should be able to see when your body is ovulatingb but dont hold your breath as your body may not be doin it right my best advice is go to the doctors and ask for the pill so you can regulate your periods then stop taking it and you should be regular enough to get pregnant properly :)

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Q: How do you tell when your most fertile when you dont have a menstrual period?
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When is a woman's peak fertility period?

if a woman has a regular menstrual period then her most fertile day is the 14th day from LMP (last menstrual period). say she has her last menstruation march 30 , she has to count 14 days from march 30 then that would mean her fertility period is April 13.

Can you get pregnant a week after my menstrual cycle was over?

Certainly! This is a common time for your fertile days! # Conception usually occurs about 5-7 days after intercourse # Your most fertile period is about 5 days before ovulation # For most(but not all) women ovulation occurs about 14 days prior to her period.

How fertile is a woman immediately after her period?

How fertile a woman is after menstruation depends on the woman and on her menstrual cycle. During the average 28 day cycle a woman is most likely to ovulate on day 14 and can be fertile between days 7-16 - if a woman's cycle is shorter she could ovulate directly after menstruation so be at her most fertile.

What are your most furtal days after your period?

When you are fertile depends on your menstrual cycle, everyone is different and unless you use FAM you can't know for certain when you're fertile. During the typical 28 day cycle a woman will be fertile around days 7-16, but again everyone is different.

Can you pregnant after 13th day your period last?

Around 2 weeks before and after your period is when you are most fertile (ovultating) and are most likely to get pregnant. I could not quite understand the timing in this question so I put a link below explaining the timing involved in the menstrual cycle in relation to pregnancy. Have a look at the link below (the menstrual cycle) the first day of your period is day 1 on this chart.

Are you most fertile on your period?

i have found it the most accurate that you are the most fertile on your period because that egg is still being release and if the sperm is in there it could stay in there longer then it would not on your period

When are you most fertile if a period last up to 7 days?

Woman can be fertile anytime after the start of the menstrual cycle. She can become pregnant even before she gets her menstrual cycle. Usually the first two to three years may be with out ovulation. But this is not the rule of thumb. After this period the woman becomes more likely to have pregnancy.

Is a woman fertile the day after ovulating?

Yes. The days immediately succeeding ovulation represent a womans most fertile period in the menstrual cycle. Remember that ovulation generally occurs around day 14 of her menstrual cycle, That means about 14 days since the onset of her last period. These calculations represent statistical approximations of a highly variable biological phenomenon and in NO way offer any measure of protection against getting pregnant.

What day of the menstrual cycle does a woman have her period?

Menstrual period refers to menstruation or your period, which is the start of your menstrual cycle. If you're referring to mid-cycle then midway through the menstrual cycle is typically when a woman would ovulate.

After period when should you try for pregnancy?

Straight after your period as that is when you're most fertile.

How many days that the girl is fertile after their menstruation?

A woman is only fertile for around 30% of her menstrual cycle at most - there is only a phase of around 10 days when a woman can get pregnant, it is biologically impossible to conceive as a result of sex any other time.During an average 28 day menstrual cycle a woman would be fertile from days 7-16 - this includes ovulation on day 14, there may be a viable egg for up to 48 hours, and a week beforehand when fertile quality cervical mucus is present. When a woman is fertile or not depends on her cycle, the only way she would know when she is fertile would be if she was using fertility awareness method.

What is the least fertile time in a womens menstrual cycle?

In theory you're least fertile just before menstruation.Take the average 28 day menstrual cycle:A woman would ovulate around day 14 and produce fertile cervical mucus for up to a week beforehand, so the most fertile point would be between days 7-16 of the menstrual cycle. After ovulation there's no egg to fertilize, by the time you're due to menstruate any egg is long dead.Unless you use Fertility Awareness Method you can't know when YOU are fertile or not, everyone has a different menstrual cycle and menstrual cycles can change all the time. You can't rely on an estimate or guessing fertile or infertile days based on previous cycles.