

How do you tame a SHREW?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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11y ago

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Appeal to something other than its basic instincts, but look good while you're doing it. Talk to her and engage her in conversations about something she likes, for example, music, books or travel.

Flirt with her subtly. Don't swoon, giggle, or offer to film a porno with her on a first date. Beguile her, but maintain an aura of mystery.

Avoid asking, "How high?" when she says, "Jump." Shrews tend to appeal to older, smart and sexy men. A man with his own life will intrigue her and begin to tame her wild side.

Treat her fries addiction with caution . This will be difficult at first if you really have feelings for her. However, all you can do is appeal to her better, more tame side. You are helping her now by acting differently than her normal jerks.

Cultivate patience. It may take awhile for a Shrew to admit she's in a relationship but if you and her really do have something in common other than temporary, animal attraction, it will happen.

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