

How do you shake left hand?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Why, with your own left hand. :P

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Q: How do you shake left hand?
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Witch hand is the proper hand to shake hands with?

Whether you are right or left handed, the proper custom is to shake with the right.

Why do people shack hands with there right hand and not with there left?

People shake hands with their right hand and not their left one because using the left hand is considered to be improper etiquette.

What hand do you shake anther persons hand with?

You shake someone's hand with your right hand. Unless you are a Boy Scout greeting another scout in uniform. Lord Baden-Powell instituted the left hand shake to emulate the Ashanti warriors of Africa who shook with their left hands as it necessitated letting go of their shields - thus indicating trust in the other party.

Why do cub scouts shake with their left hand?

Actually, Cub Scouts don't shake with the left hand. The Cub Scout handshake is done with the right hand, with the index and middle fingers extended and placed against the other person's wrist. The Boy Scout handshake is an ordinary handshake done with the left hand.

Did Hitler shake hands with his left hand?

No. Hitler did not shake hands with his left hand. There are many photographs which can prove this, also note that there is no photograph of Adolf Hitler which portrays his shake hand with the left hand. For visual confirmation, search about "Stauffenberg" on Wikipedia, there will be a photograph on that page which shows Hitler shaking hands with his right hand.

Why do scouts shake with their left hands?

Actually, Cub Scouts don't shake with the left hand. The Cub Scout handshake is done with the right hand, with the index and middle fingers extended and placed against the other person's wrist. The Boy Scout handshake is an ordinary handshake done with the left hand.

Which hand do you greet someone with?

You extend and shake with your right hand. And if accepting something such as a diploma etc. you accept with your left.

Why Malay do not eat with their left hand?

Not only don't they eat with their left hand, but it is super offensive if you offer to shake their hand with your left hand. It's considered socially unacceptable to pass another person an object with the left hand. Why? Because the left hand is traditionally recognised by Malaysians as the "toilet wiping hand". And therefore seen as "unclean".

Why did Garry Moore shake hands with his left hand?

Could it have anything to do with the fact that Moore always had a cigarette in his right hand?

Can you shake hands with your left?

Yes but as most people are right handed it maight be more prtactical to learn to shake with your right hand. (That is my opinion only)

When you look at yourself in the mirror and wave your right hand your image raises the left hand Then why don't the feet of your image wiggle when you shake your head?

When you wave your left hand it appears as though your right hand is moving . This is lateral inversion . But when you shake your feet the image of your feet does not wiggle because the image in the mirror can only be laterally inverted and not upside down .

What hand do you take money from and why?

I would think the left one, since in most cultures the left hand is seen as the 'dirty hand'. The right is the one you would shake hands. Since money is considered 'dirty' I would take the money from the left.