

How do you publish a story on fan fiction?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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You first go to document manager, and upload your file from your computer, and name it. Then go to my stories, and click on the link to your document. Fill out the information that follows, such as a name, and rating, and hit publish. Your story should be up in at least 48 hours

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Is it possible to publish fan fiction novels?

No. The original work of fiction is copyright to the author. You will be sued if you try to publish or make any money off their work.

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No, you cannot publish fan fiction at any time. The characters and world belong to the original author.

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You are allowed -- that is called fan fiction -- but you cannot publish it or try to make any sort of money from it. See the attached link.

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It is possible to be sued for writing fan fiction if it infringes on the original creator's copyright. If the fan fiction uses the original characters, settings, or plot without permission, it could be considered a violation of copyright law. It's best to seek permission or create original content to avoid any legal issues.

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Fan fiction can be educational by providing you with insight on characters within a story. For example, perhaps you are reading a fan fiction that is solely focused on Draco Malfoy's character -- rather than portraying him as the the antagonist (the main opponent of the story) that he is usually seen as, this fan fiction author decides to look deeper into the struggles of his own heart. You may get a reaction to his character that you didn't expect or may be able to see him from another prospective. Fan fiction can really brighten your senses of a story or character's overall meaning or purpose.

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It doesn't matter if it is good or not (or if you think it is good); it is considered fan-fiction, meaning you can publish it (there are many sites on the net for that), but may not make money from it. For details google for 'fan-fiction'.

What is the difference between fan fictions and love stories?

Fan fiction does not have to have any romantic component, it is simply a story written in the universe created by another author. For instance, a fan of Star Trek could write a story where Picard, as a cadet, met Captain Kirk, and they got into an argument; how they settled the argument could be a very interesting bit of fiction. However, it is not a love story. A love story does not have to fit into any pre-existing fictional universe, and most of the best don't, the author creates a milieu for the story as best fits the romance involved. While there is a lot of fan fiction written to create love stories between characters in a favorite set of stories, there is no requirement that fan fiction be love stories, and definitely no requirement that love stories be written as fan fiction.

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"Whispers in the Wind" by The Anime Nut is a fan fiction story where Kagome turns into a half-demon like Inuyasha.

How do you publish fan fiction on fanfiction dot net using an iPad?

Fan Fiction has a new Web Paste function that is compatible with the iPad. Open the text in a word processor like Pages, copy the whole thing to the clipboard, and then go the Safari page to submit. Paste there.

What is a website that's like fan fiction but for books you made up?

At this point, there is not a site for you to post your original work -- you need to write it out and try to publish it when it's original! Alternatively, you can publish original stories on, which is affiliated with

Where can readers can explore the what ifs of established literature?

A genre called fan fiction.

Is there a fan-fiction about Hermione and Draco called 'What is Love Without Heart'?

I do not have access to specific fan-fiction titles, as they are user-generated content and not part of standard literature databases. You may want to search for the title or specific story on fan-fiction websites or forums dedicated to that fandom to see if it exists.