

Best Answer

Do some research on " confidential wedding " with Google.

In California, you & your guy show up at a wedding chapel and just ask for a confidential wedding. The license and all can be arranged within an hour -- there isn't a blank to fill in that asks about citizenship and nobody else outside the chapel needs to know a darn thing. The marriage will be registered in the county. Good luck & congrats.

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Q: How do you marry your illegal Mexican boyfriend who is the father of your child without him getting deported?
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If your boyfriend owes child support and may get deported can you marry him so he can stay in the US?

Yes, marriage will most likely stop your boyfriend from getting deported. This is why most illegal aliens find American's to marry.

How can you have an illegal deported?

i have been hurt a Mexican guy abused me

My boyfriend got a felonie that was drop to 2 misdemeanor will he get deported?

Yes, If he is illegal, and if you are illegal then you will be deported also. If he is legal and you aren't, he'll be sent to jail and you'll be deported. If he is illegal and your not, he'll be deported and you'll be fined $4,500 for housing an illegal. If your both legal he'll go to jail and you'll be lonely for a few years.

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How can a deported illegal Mexican who lived here for 4 years come back to us?

Obama is president....

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The illegal immigrant will be deported when caught.

Can a illegal Mexican married to an American get his green card without being deported?

yes but it takes lots of time and money

Can an illegal alien be deported for getting a ticket for driving without a licence?

An illegal immigrant can be deported upon being caught and handed over to the relevant authorities. By getting caught for driving without a license, the authorities would have been notified of their presence.

Is an illegal alien deported if pregnant?

yes she gets deported..

Your boyfriend is an illegal Mexican and im pregnant can he still live here if im pregnant?

No. Get married.

Where are illegal Mexicans deported to?


How many illegal immigrants you deported in 2009?

In 2009, according to the Christian Science Monitor, nearly 400,000 illegal aliens were deported.