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Easy, take singing lessons from a professional voice coach.

12 to 24 months of lessons should have you sounding like a pro, provided you practise as requested and almost daily.

Two key elements to really good singing are practising breathing correctly including breath distribution AND daily scales.

All really good singers practise scales before their performances.

you can train yourself to be a good singer. practise ! because practise makes perfect ! :)A top professional footballer once said: "Only perfect practice makes perfect!"

So practice alone won't do it: you could be practising wrong or bad habits!!

You need to learn from top teachers and learn from the genuine good singing of others: don't just copy radio performers ... many use incorrect voicing, and some now sing throaty "whistle" register!! ... not true singing at all - just a faulty gimmick coming out of the throat, not sung in 'the head'.


I've been taking voice lessons, so I could go on forever about how to make your singing perfect. But I will say just three things.

1) Make sure you are breathing correctly. Your chest should NEVER rise or fall when you are singing. Expand your diaphragm, which is located just below your ribs. Make sure that when you breathe in you are expanding that part of your body and not your chest. That way the sound comes out more, and it doesn't sound quite as airy. It also helps in holding longer notes.

2) When singing it is very important to have extremely good posture. To do this, stand up, because you get more air when standing. Raise your arms above your head, and you should feel your chest go up. Take your arms down, and do not let your chest fall. Stand straight, there is your singing posture.

3) Also when standing in your singing posture, it helps to place to one hand on your diaphragm, just below the rip cage. And one right on top of your chest. This way you can make sure that your diaphragm is expanding, and that you chest is not rising or falling while you sing.


Try Breathing from your stomach!

Lay on the floor with your belly pointing up,

put your hand on your belly and breath in,

you will feel your stomach rise up when you breath in,

and lower when you exhale,

that's what you want when your singing.

But practice on the floor first and soon it will come easy!


The water has to come from the tap or be at room temperature, if it is too warm it could cause your throat to become scratchy and uncomfortable; You don't want to be up singing and clearing your throat at the same time. Water that is too cold can tighten the vocal cords causing the voice to crack.

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